Handcrafted in Canada | Worldwide Shipping

Contact Rustic Engravings

You can contact the artist by sending a message using the form below or by sending an email to tylir@rusticengravings.com. You can also contact Rustic Engravings on the Etsy website.

Having Trouble Sending A Message Or Placing An Order?

If you are having trouble placing an order or sending a message through the Rustic Engravings shop or on Etsy, you can send a message using the form below or you can send an email directly to orders@rusticengravings.com.


Want To Send A Tip / Gratuity For Exceptional Service Or An Outstanding Product?

If you would like to further support Rustic Engravings you can tip the artist directly through PayPal at https://paypal.me/wisdom


Calgary, Alberta

Monday, Closed

Tues - Thurs, 10am - 9pm

Friday, 11am - 9pm

Saturday - Sunday, Closed
